You didn’t get certified to coach as a hobby. You’re ready for your 6-figure business…

…and we’ve got you covered with the formula to finally get there.



Six-Figure Formula is the only comprehensive program of its kind that teaches the business, sales, and marketing essentials that get new and rising health and wellness entrepreneurs on track to $100k+/year.

It’s like a self-paced MBA program designed specifically for health and wellness entrepreneurs — minus the two-year commitment and jaw-dropping tuition.


Want a simple route to your solid six figure practice, without the headache and constantly second guessing yourself?

  • You started your business to help people feel amazing in their bodies and lives…...NOT to spend all day on social media trying to figure out this whole “marketing thing”

  • Your health coaching school prepared you to be a great coach, but barely mentioned how to get clients. 

  • You want to geek out about green smoothies, intuitive eating, and personal transformation...not online funnels, algorithm-hacking, and what the heck the best time of day is to post on Instagram  

  • You’re so DONE throwing (gluten-free) spaghetti at the wall trying to figure out how to get clients

And yet, you KNOW health coaching is your calling, and you can feel in your gut that you DO have what it takes to build a practice that’ll fill your bank account

Everywhere you look it seems like other coaches are soaring with success in business, and you wonder what they know that you don’t. Am I right?

The truth is, hardly anyone in the industry hits six figures without a solid, proven roadmap to guide them.

You’re about to get your roadmap…and it was designed specifically for this industry.

Six-Figure Formula is everything they didn’t teach you in health coaching school about how to build a profitable and impact-driven practice. 


Is Six-Figure Formula the catalyst that’ll fast-track you from hobby to full time and well paid? Here’s how to know:

You’re a passionate health and wellness advocate who wants every person in the world to embrace their inner health nut. You got certified and started your own business so you could have more flexibility, set your own salary, and help people YOUR way.

But when it comes to attracting clients, filling your practice, and working your way up to those $10K+ months…that’s where you get stuck:

You’re somewhere between 0-15 clients, but it isn’t bringing in enough cash…and you’re not sure HOW to get more clients.

You know you need to be showing up on social media more consistently, but for some reason you get blocked about actually doing it.

You feel overwhelmed and confused by all the marketing information out there. You need something simpler!

You’ve dabbled in other courses and trainings, but they were NOT the help that you needed and only left you more confused (ugh)

If you’re nodding “yep!” to any of the above, I’m so glad we finally found each other! 

I grew my own health coaching practice to multiple 6-figures, and I’ve since helped hundreds of holistic and functional practitioners scale their business to six and multiple-six figures, without any confusing strategy.

You and I both know that the world is in urgent need of solutions to its health problems…but if health coaches don’t know how to keep their business alive, then how can they help anyone?

It’s my mission to empower ALL health and wellness practitioners with the business steps and strategies they need in order to fill their practice.

I designed Six-Figure Formula to give you a simple, fail-proof strategy you can implement so you can FINALLY have the successful business you hoped for when you became certified. 

 By the end of this program, you will have:

A rock-solid brand message so you know exactly how to share your story on social media and create waves of comments and engagement

​A simple comment-to-client system for turning casual social media conversations into closed sales

A one-of-a-kind specialty, so you can get industry-wide recognition for your work and your programs (and not be just another generic health coach)

​A step-by-step method for attracting soulmate clients (all built on a relationship-first sales process that’ll have people thanking you for taking their money)

The confidence to raise your prices with integrity—so you can start to close deal after deal at $3k, $5k, and even $10k!

The plug-and-play lead-generation formula I’ve used over and over again to fill up my programs and build a waiting list of eager clients





Our graduates constantly tell us:“this was the program that finally changed the game for me.”

Hundreds of health & wellness coaches have used Six-Figure Formula to grow their practice and get stunning results. And since we know that marketing trends are always changing, we update the program every year, adding fresh new modules in response to our students' most pertinent questions.



The step-by-step blueprint for scaling your health coaching business to $10k months (without complicated funnels, long work hours, or technology overwhelm *hallelujah*).

Here’s a sampling of what you’ll learn in this module:


Plus When You Join

You'll Get:



Access our entire vault of proven business assets (social media prompts, sales scripts, price guidelines, and more)—no need to create everything from scratch anymore.

$1497 Value


I’ll show you exactly how to attract ideal clients for your health coaching practice with just 3 easy-to-write micro-story posts that you can use on repeat (literally).

These 3 posts have helped hundreds of our graduates grab the attention of their readers, spark up conversations about working together, and convert them into long-term dream clients.

$197 Value

I know you might be thinking …

“This sounds great, but what if I can’t make it work for me?”

Maybe you’re worried you only have a few hours a week to work on your business...

Maybe you’re worried that you’ll lose momentum and fall off the wagon…

Maybe you’re worried that you’re not “techie” enough to run your business online...

I get it.


When I launched my functional health practice 8 years ago, it felt like stepping into the biggest (and scariest) calling of my life.

I had a stable, successful career running my own marketing agency, and putting all that on “pause” to pivot toward health coaching felt like a gamble, which to be honest I was nervous I’d lose.

But after surviving my own battle with ulcerative colitis, I was ignited with passion to share my story with others — and help people with debilitating gut issues find their way back to freedom, too. The calling was SO strong in me, I couldn’t not go for it.

So after getting my certifications as an Integrative Health Coach and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, I started an Instagram account, created my website and programs, and officially started taking on clients.

Six months later, I had a waitlist. Soon after, I had 12k followers on Instagram and was receiving dozens of DMs each week from people looking for help. And within another year, I was enrolling high paying clients, selling out my group programs at a premium price, and helping thousands of people by sharing free content online.

Now it’s my personal mission to help as many health coaches as possible achieve this level of success too, so that together we can make a huge impact on today’s disease epidemic. It’s also why I’ve grown a team of the best educators in the industry to support this mission via the Health and Wellness Business School. 

I really do believe that if I could do it, then anyone could. You ARE capable of running a thriving business and changing lives (without burning yourself out). And I’m here to help.

What you do for your clients’ health, we do for your business.

You know how much BETTER your clients feel after a few weeks off gluten, a fridge full of healthy meals, and emotional processing tools that do not involve a pint of Ben & Jerry's at 2 a.m.?

THAT is exactly how you will feel about marketing after taking this program. *cue sigh of relief*

You know the shock and delight on your clients' faces when they realize eating well can be delicious and simple?

THAT will be the expression on your face when you realize JUST HOW SIMPLE it can be to make a great income working with dream clients as a health and wellness practitioner.

More Stories From Six-Figure Formula Alumni…




Our entire suite of business-building training on the four crucial pillars of a six-figure business in the health and wellness space.

An intentional implementation schedule to give you the support you need, and specific action steps.

An entire vault of proven business assets (social media post templates, sales scripts, pricing guidelines, and more)—no need to create everything from scratch anymore.

BONUS: 3 Magic Posts On-Demand Workshop to attract ideal clients with just three easy-to-write micro-story posts that you can use on repeat.

BONUS: Template Haven: Access our entire vault of proven business assets (social media prompts, sales scripts, price guidelines, and more)—no need to create everything from scratch anymore.

The total value of all that goodness is $5,761.

But I know that price tag may not be realistic when you’re still figuring out how to get that consistent cash in.

I also know that you’re fighting for something bigger here as health coaches like you and I work to help put a serious dent in this disease epidemic.

That’s why instead of putting a super high price tag on this, you can get started today for just $1,997 (& lifetime access!)

Even More Client Stories


Catapulting her practice to a waitlist by honing in on her niche and sales process


From generic, overwhelmed coach to six-figure authority health coach


3x'ing her income authentically by implementing the Six Figure Formula



  • One of my mentors always says: “nothing changes if nothing changes.” If your business feels chaotic, overwhelming, and complicated…I think it’s time to make a change. (Because running your business really can feel fun and simple!)

    And even though this program requires you to take action, I’ve designed it so that it’s not really extra action. I’m not giving you a bunch of new things to do. It’s more like: ‘hey, instead of spending an hour writing a post and then getting crickets, use this template to create a really engaging post.’

    Or: ‘hey, instead of getting on sales call after sales call with people who can only afford a $500 one-off session, use this application process to attract clients who are ready to invest at least $2K.’

  • Nope! You don’t need an ads budget—I’ll show you how to attract clients into your premium packages straight from your personal social media, in just an hour or two a day.

    I’m all about running a lean, simple, streamlined business.

  • Definitely not! You don’t need to be a marketing expert, a funnel expert, or a tech expert to make this program work. You should see how simple the back end of my business is!

    And inside the program, I’ve got step-by-step training on everything you’ll implement. For example, I’ll show you exactly how to set up an easy-to-deliver group program with nothing but Facebook and a simple client management app.

    I’ll also give you lots of plug-and-play marketing resources, like sales scripts, social media templates, etc.

  • That’s awesome! Lots of our alumni came into this program with clients, too.

    If you’re already earning $10k+ every month, serving clients you adore, and running your business in a way that feels manageable…then it sounds like you’re set! This might not be the right program for you (we have an advanced mastermind for those already making six-figures, get in touch and we’ll point you towards it!)

    But if you want to raise your prices, grow your audience, attract better clients, and create simple programs or systems so you can run your business with less stress…you’re definitely in the right place.

  • Congratulations on launching your business!

    Here’s what I’ll say.

    This program is everything I wish I had back when I started my health practice. When you join, you’ll get the exact marketing templates, sales secrets, and client service resources that I built from scratch (and used to run my 6-figure practice for years).

    If you’re willing to make an investment in the future of your business, this program will absolutely shorten your learning curve, save you months (or years) of trial and error, and help you get to 6-figures way more quickly.

  • I won’t lie to you. My most successful clients are always the ones who commit to showing up, taking action, and implementing this work on a daily basis (usually for at least 1 hour a day).

    There’s no magic bullet to growing your business—and if another coach tells you there is, run away! ;)

    But here’s what I can promise you. I created this program with simplicity in mind. After all, it’s all about getting to $10k months WITHOUT overwhelm, stress, or long hours.

    And like I said in one of my earlier answers…

    Even though this program requires you to take action, I’ve designed it so that it’s not really extra action. I’m not giving you a bunch of new things to do. I’m helping you replace things that aren’t working in your business with more efficient things (that create incredible results).

  • All sales are final. Given that this is an online digital course that you get access to immediately and indefinitely, there are no refunds. It's important to make sure this is the right next step for you and the information you're looking to get.

  • While we can't guarantee or promise any specific level of earnings or results, if you go through the materials and hold yourself responsible to taking action, you will see amazing results :)

  • You will have access to the course for the duration of your membership program. If you choose to cancel, we must receive 30 days notice from the date of your next billing cycle by emailing When your membership effectively cancels, you will no longer have access to the course materials or live calls.


A Final Note from Me

Creating a 6-figure health coaching business literally transformed my life.

I got to give people hope, help clients find healing, and share my own health story—all while setting my own hours and making $15k+ a month.

And if you’re feeling burned out, or maybe even falling out of love with your health practice, I’m so excited to share this system with you. You’re already ahead of most people. You’ve taken real, tangible steps to transforming the lives of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of hurting people all over the world.

But I want to give you the formula for doing all of that, while also creating time freedom and getting paid your worth.

I can’t wait to show up for you & support you as you turn your big goals into your “new normal.” 

Because it’s all possible:

- the simple $10k months
- the soulmate clients that light you up
- the daily “buzz” from doing something that matters 

You just need the right process & the right guide.

I look forward to meeting you inside Six-Figure Formula.

Love, Sage (aka Kristin)