We’re here to help you feel as confident about taking control of your business as you are about helping your clients take control of their health.

That’s why we’ve designed our curriculum structure so that each program builds on the previous one. Your stage of business will determine where you begin.

Depending on where you are on your entrepreneurial journey, that may mean …

Starting your business off on the right foot the first time so you can start booking soulmate clients FAST with the right tools, strategy, and mindset.


Scaling and growing your business to six figures and beyond in a way that feels fully aligned with your personal and professional goals, so you can grow your impact and income, without burning out and putting your own health on the back burner. 

Our Programs:


For health and wellness entrepreneurs who are 0-12 months into their business

Now Open for Enrollment!

Our most in-demand, signature business training course that is designed to help health coaches and wellness pros like you uplevel their sales and marketing systems, so you can become a go-to expert in your niche, multiply your income without needing to work harder (yes, really), and actually love and have fun in your business!


For health and wellness changemakers who are ready for more immersive mentorship so they can create an attraction-based business and scale to six (or multiple six) figures without sacrificing their own health, wellness, and values.

By Application Only - Currently Accepting New Clients!

Align & Ascend is my private VIP 1:1 coaching program for seasoned health and wellness entrepreneurs who are ready to take their impact to a whole other level and get their gift in front of more people. I only accept a limited number of health coaches and wellness practitioners into this level of mentorship each year so we can really get to know your business and deliver training designed to help you truly transform your business, so you can transform more lives.