An Exclusive 1:1 Mentorship Experience: Where Badass Business Strategy Meets Energetics, Spirituality and Deep Nervous System Regulation to Grow a Business Beyond Your Wildest Dreams 🔥

Your next level is calling…

…and it’s so uniquely YOU.

You know in your gut that it’s time to scale your wellness practice beyond six figures into a multi-6 figure to 7-figure, world-class brand that helps heal thousands of lives.

And you know you need deep, customized 1:1 support to make it happen.


You’re ready for…


Doing it all your way


You know you’re destined for BIG expansion, but you want to get there without any more stress, hustle, or burnout.

I’ve got you covered with how to get there.

Even if we haven’t met yet, I bet I understand a thing or two about you:


You're the best at what you do, with multiple certifications and client results that speak for themselves. You’ve put in the work and it shows! I celebrate you!!

You’ve built a business that you love and feel proud of. Looking back, you’ve gone beyond what you once dreamed was possible.

Your foundations are solid. You’ve got the important systems of your business running smoothly and you get what it means to be an entrepreneur.


And yet, you feel called to more…

…but you wonder how you can get there doing less heavy lifting.


You want more growth, but NOT at the cost of the health you’ve worked so hard for

You want more income, but NOT if it means you have to double your work hours.

You want to make a greater impact in the world, but NOT if it means sacrificing your own life and wellbeing.

And you often think to yourself

“Is that even possible??”

You’re asking the right question, because scaling to the next level actually does NOT require jam packing your schedule, being in a constant soul-crushing launch cycle, or taking hundreds of sales calls…

In fact, this is exactly the strategy that *won’t work* when scaling from six to multi-six or even seven figures. It may have worked to get you this far, but I know from scaling three of my own businesses beyond six-figures, and having helped hundreds of coaches do the same, if you want to scale without draining your spirit, it takes an approach that goes way beyond the surface level of “just grind harder”.

Besides, that hustle just isn’t your style anymore, am I right?

There’s a better way, and having a mentor who knows your industry and has done it multiple times herself in the wellness industry makes all the difference.


“I was at the point where my business was growing, but I didn’t know where to go next.”

~Angela Brown

This is your invitation to apply for my exclusive 1:1 mentorship experience.


Hey Love,

I know you're ready to reach your next level, even though you can't quite see how you’re going to get there.

I’ve been exactly where you are. I remember both the fire of wanting so badly to grow and scale my impact and also the uncertainty around “how” to do it without compromising my health, integrity, and inner alignment.

I’ve since built several million dollar and multi six-figure businesses doing work that lights up my soul, and I did it entirely on my terms.

I’m here to support you in doing the same – in a way that feels aligned with who YOU are.

This is more than coaching– it’s in-the-trenches mentorship with an industry insider who deeply understands the wellness space and can help you achieve the exponential growth you’ve always craved but haven’t yet found.

And the best part is you’ll get permission to build your business YOUR way, not conform to someone else’s formula.

I won't just tell you what to do - I'll be your teammate in designing a business that's a vivid reflection of who you are and the life you want.

I’ve walked the walk of entrepreneurship for 14 years, and I know what it takes to move past the frustrations and roadblocks of scaling to the next level.

Working together, I’ll do a deep intake to understand exactly where you’re at and help you create a bespoke roadmap to your next level.

And I’ll be by your side as you walk each step on your path to a business that makes your body, soul, and wallet super happy.

Let’s make it happen.



Is my 1:1 business mentorship your right next move?

Expanded leadership is calling you.

You can see it. Multi-6 to 7-figures a year. A raving audience who buys from you eagerly. Speaking on stages. Hiring your dream team. Writing your book. It excites you and you’re soooo ready!

The only question is HOW to get there…without burning out #nothanks

Your soul is here to change lives.

You’ve got a deep inner knowing that you have something unique that will truly change the world and you’re ready to unleash it. The fire is lit, you just need to lock into alignment with the right approach to scale with grace and magnetism.

You’re bold enough to do it your way.

There’s no one-size way to success, and you’re game to find YOUR unique path to the gold. You don’t need a coach to hold your hand or teach you the basics, you’re ready for a mentor who’ll reflect your strengths and empower you in your uniquely aligned approach that adapts to everything from your human design to zone of genius, your schedule and energy, your dreams and support system.

You’ve already studied courses and joined group programs and masterminds.

Now you sense that ultimately what will help you make a quantum leap is not another learning program, but instead high-touch support from a mentor who’s been there before (multiple times) and who’ll be there for you week-by-week, getting intimate with you and your work as you step into the unknown, make big leaps, and grow immensely along the way.

If you’re nodding your head yes right now, there’s a good chance we’re a match for working together privately.

This is it.

This is the gateway to your next big uplevel. I’m so excited for you!!


My private high-level mentorship program for select clients only.

6-12 months of intimate and deeply personalized support for you & your business.


What’s Included

  • Bespoke Business Expansion

    Our time together is designed to create a completely unique-to-you business expansion plan, grounded in YOUR energetics and design (no one-size-fits-all strategies)

  • 2+ Mentorship Calls a Month

    You’ll get 2+ highly customized mentorship calls with me per month where we can dive into any areas that have you hung up and need tailored guidance around.

  • Full Teammate Call Access

    Your team is the heartbeat of your business. They’re not only welcome on every one of our mentorship calls, I recommend they join!

  • Anytime Access to Me

    I know the biggest changes are made when people feel fully supported, all the time. We’ll use Voxer as our open line of communication during the week where you can reach out anytime you need support (it’s like having a CEO in your back pocket)

Areas We’ll Focus On

  • Ascending to Multi-Six and 7-Figure Years (to the moon! 🌙 🚀)

    You’ve locked in on your world-changing magic, know you’re meant to impact so many more lives, and want the number in your bank to finally reflect that.

    Let’s take you there…this year!

  • Ultra-Magnetic Online Presence

    It’s time for your marketing to do the heavy-lifting (not you) with stories, offers, and copy that converts on-demand and on repeat

    #yourewelcome ;)

  • Energetic Alignment

    What got you to where you are now isn’t what will get you to the next growth edge. At this stage, it’s energy first, strategy second. We’ll tap deep into your human design, energy, magic (zone of genius) and create the most dreamy business ever.

  • Channeling Your Soul Genius

    If I may take a guess, your work has only begun to scratch the surface of what you’re truly capable of. But you haven’t known how to put all your power into a program people want or how on earth to market + sell it. I’m a powerful mirror to my clients showing you what’s inside you, what’s possible, and how to find perfect product-market fit that sells itself.

  • Intuitive Business Design

    Clients hire me because of how deeply I can channel their magic, fusing their genius with the soul-level desires of their future clients to create marketing that is ultra-magnetic. This is where you have a community of raving fans saying: “I feel like you’re speaking to ME!”

  • Empowered High Ticket Sales

    You’re no longer a newbie - your work is a powerful combination of experience + expertise and it’s time for a bigger price tag to reflect that. It’s time to have your prices reflect your results, your precious time, and your revenue goals. Let’s amplify it all!

  • Premium Offer Design

    Premium, high-ticket clients buy premium, hight-ticket offers. It’s time to lock into that alignment. We’ll map out the most exquisite program levels yet that have your future clients saying “this is exactly what I’ve been looking for all along - where do I pay?!”

  • Hiring & Leading Your Team

    To scale your business, you need to scale you. To scale you, you need an aligned, expert team behind you who knows their craft (maybe even better than you), are self-leaders, and are all-in on your mission. Become the leader who attracts and manages (with grace) this A-Team so you can elevate your focus and free up your time.

Ready for a Mentor Who Truly GETS Your Industry?


Want to learn directly from someone who has stood exactly where you are and overcome the same blocks you’re facing right now?

And you’re committed to doing the inner work to create a business that aligns with your highest truth?

Are you ALL IN – mind, body, and soul – on this being your moment to make your next-level leap?

If your answer to the above is a resounding HELL YES, fill out an application below to work with me 1:1.

I’ll review your application and if you’re a pinch-me-is-this-real perfect fit, I’ll reach out with next steps!


  • One of my mentors always says: “nothing changes if nothing changes.” If your business feels chaotic, overwhelming, and complicated…I think it’s time to make a change. (Because running your business really can feel fun and simple!)

    And even though this program requires you to take action, I’ve designed it so that it’s not really extra action. I’m not giving you a bunch of new things to do. It’s more like: ‘hey, instead of getting on sales call after sales call with people who can only afford a $500 one-off session, use this application process to attract clients who are ready to invest at least $10K.’

  • Nope! You don’t need an ads budget—I’ll show you how to attract clients into your premium packages straight from your personal social media, in just an hour or two a day.

    I’m all about running a lean, simple, streamlined business.

  • My VIP 1:1 clients receive priority access to my calendar so typically we can begin the same or next week after you enroll. I’m not about wasting time or delaying results, so when you’re IN, I’m IN. Let’s do this!